Miscellaneous General Knowledge:
1: The longest river in the world is?
2: The highest mountain in the world is?
3: The country also known as "country of Copper" is?
4: The largest museum in the world is:
The Louvre, Paris
5: The largest bay in the world is:
Bay of Bengal
6: The largest gulf in the world is :
Gulf of Mexico
7: The
name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is:
The Durand Line
8: The country who’s National Anthem has only music but no word:
9: International Civil Aviation Organization is located at:
10: The Kalahari Desert is located in:
11: The biggest desert in the world is:
Sahara Desert
12: The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' was:
Beijing (Peking)
13: The Ocean that separates Europe from America is called:
Atlantic Ocean
14: The country called the Land of Rising Sun is:
15: The country known as the Land of White Elephant is: